“If you wish to be a success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing.”

Over the past two months or so i’ve been letting things get on my nerve, stuff that ordinarily annoys me but which i try and ignore, such as Una Mullally, The Irish Times, Broadsheet, The Guardian, Ivana Bacik, Clurr Daly and her partner Mick, James O’Reilly, Paschal Donoghue, Gaydan O’Queerdon, RTE, the Unions, the two ones that make up Fintan O’Browne . . . and i could go on . . . you know what? eyem gonna go on; Islamic State and their apologists, Stephen Fry, the upcoming marriage referendum, vulnerable road users, children, the Waterboys . . . okay not really the Waterboys more th’fooker who sings with them . . . the guy with the hat who eats in Dunne and Crescenzi . . . Mike Scott! he really annoyed me recently after reading an interview in the Irish Times where he said that Jessica Valenti was “fantastic”, and tha’George Monbiot was creative and articulate with his anger, well . . . i dunno ’bout that, but i do dislike George Monbiot, however, he hasint annoyed me lately. Eyem unsure why eyem letting this shit piss me off, it don’t normally, i guess perhaps itz that an old friend has gone down a bad path and we can’t get him to turn back and eyem abitt blue because of this, but who knows?

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On Sunday afternoon moo moo showed me an article in the Sunday Times, (she typed ’bout it yesterday), regarding Katherine Zappone, the American lesbian Senator from America who founded AnCosan with her wife Ann Louise and what annoyed the krap outta me is that sheez claiming a poor persons salary in order to travel to work, this broad is receiving close to €21,000 a year! Maybe if she was a principled person, respecting the public purse, our taxpayer money could’ve gone to some deserving charity, maybe even her own? but it doesint, €21,000 goes to her and that annoys me, a bit like our President Michael Dee.

. . . .and He does annoy me as, like Katherine, he cares, for the vulnerable, the less well off and so on . . . and on . . . and on, in fact i imagine, like Katherine he only cares for himself . . . . and his assistant Kevin, his travel buddie, who joined him in January on his holiday to the Canaries where the two of them stayed in the **** Rubicon Palace Hotel as Michael, i imagine, prepared his poetry and lived the luxuriant life of Lanzarote . . . with his assistant Kevin, ‘as his wife Sabina enjoyed the silver service at home in their Presidential Palace of the Phoenix Park, slightly sad and lonesome, alone with her thoughts of her husband’s salary of €250,000 and his existing pension of €120,000 a year, although that wouldint be touched for the next 7 years, what! with their expenses of €80,000?’ 

It was in the age of Granola
When you had long flowing hair
And people turned when we laughed
For they deeply coveted the reason
That we with so little
Were free

It was in the age of Granola
That our bodies were supple and thin
And our friends kept asking how you did it,
You had such beautiful skin.
But at night you told them of Miso,
On buses they wondered
When you went all serious about Zen.

It was in the age of Granola
When you wore a massive black hat,
That I burned the rubbish of guilt
And it really didn’t take much effort
For love to find its way in.

And that’s why we never really saw it,
The wave that was coming our way.

In Moscow they’re queing for McDonalds,
In Tokyo Bud is the choice
And freedom brings pills to the South.
And we never saw that it was coming,
The whole world was going to be free.

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